Golden Jubilee Celebrations of University of Hyderabad

Bio Anveshana 2024

International Conference on
Frontiers in Basic Biology, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics

15-18 February 2024, School of Life Science, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India

Imagine & Innovate

University of Hyderabad: Celebrating 50 years of being an unsurpassed knowledge hub

A prestigious academic institute, formed by an Act of Parliament of India in 1974. It has been granted the status of Institute of Eminence by the Government of India based on its excellent academic progress and is located in the picturesque city of Hyderabad, India which is a perfect culmination of Indian history and emerging technological evolution. The UoH’s vision, planning, and processes embody the core values of National Needs–Global Standards, Innovation, Public Engagement, and Social Impact. As a significant contributor to the nation’s knowledge economy, it offers enhanced knowledge services in diverse fields to produce global quality research, teaching, and learning outcomes.

Department of Biotechnology and BioInformatics

The Department of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics was founded in 2008 with a vision to be a centre of excellence in basic and applied research, meeting international standards and training young minds in the fields of Biotechnology and Bioinformatics. The department has ever since demonstrated an unfailing commitment towards research and manpower development in frontier areas of integrative biology. Department has a far-reached distinguished alumni network placed across the globe in different academic Institutions and Industries. The Department actively participates in several student exchanges and research training programs with international organizations such as the Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS), German Research Foundation (DFG), European Commission, AvH Foundation, DAAD, and Academia Sinica, Israel Science Foundation (ISF) etc. Students have also bagged awards by presenting their cutting-edge research at various National and International conferences. Several students have added plumage to the crown of department’s academic excellence by receiving the prestigious Prime Minister’s Research Fellowship (PMRF). The department is constantly making steadfast progress to become numero uno in the ever- growing field of modern biology.

Bio Anveshana 2024

Anveshana is derived from Sanskrit and means exploring the truth in its context. Bioanveshana is therefore an all-encompassing effort towards exploring the secrets of biology in order to tame it ultimately into technology that is useful for mankind. The conference is hosted to celebrate the journey that started with the purpose of unveiling the truth of life and finally culminated in developing technologies to make lives worth living. To conflagrate the zeal of scientific research, we aim to bring together distinguished noble laureates, illustrious scientists, leading industrialists, and medicinal biology experts across the globe in the field of modern biology and biotechnology. The remarkable journey of the scientists and the breakthroughs made by them will be shared to enkindle the essence of scientific discoveries among participants. It will help the congregation to establish scientific collaborations across the globe and build fruitful synergistic academic-industry liaisons in the fields of modern biology and biotechnology.

Conference Highlights

Countdown for BioAnveshana